Wednesday, August 10, 2011

London should be a wake up call for the U.S.

Been extremely busy with work so I apologize for the infrequent posting but had to write this up real quick. What is going on in London should be a wake up call for us here. These riots are not about a man that was shot by police but more like a flame waiting for the spark. This was going to happen regardless of the excuse and all that was needed was an incident. This will happen here too. Bad economic conditions, highest percentage of unemployed youth and a culture that believes government and the rich owe them everything make for an extremely volatile mix. All that is missing is the spark. Watching the footage of the riots proved to me that it is not a race riot but an opportunistic riot. All races and classes are in on it trying to get their fair share of the loot. Citizens are now starting to patrol their neighborhoods to protect their property. When you have a generation that grows up with an entitlement mentality and never had to struggle to make it then this is what will happen when you try to take things away from them. They never heard of the word sacrifice and grow up to be disrespectful, ungrateful bastards. This will happen here, just remains to be seen on what scale it will happen. 


  1. I live in a rural area, but I am with you-I wouldn't want to be anywhere near a big city when the "spark" happens here in America!

  2. Rural areas usually are tight communities. Just look at the flooding in the midwest as an example. People in those areas will do fine and be able to defend their area with no problems unless the feds come in to stop them.
